Custom Components Group Inc.(CCG) has been in business since early 1996.
 We provide our clients various custom design components at great savings.
Moreover, our engineers participate in the development of new products and 
components to meet our customer's needs and produce prototype samples. In 
 this way, the cost of development and production can be significantly reduced.
CCG develops and produces products in China.
 Through our management team in Shanghai, China,
 we have provided stainless steel inserts, custom fasteners,
  metal stamping products and mold injection components for various
  manufacturers in the USA, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong and Austria.
 References are available by request.
Manufacturer of metal stamping products for CCG is located in East China

905 145th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007 U.S.A.

Phone: 425-378-3322Fax: 425-378-9449