Frequently Asked Questions and Answers


1. What is the major advantage of purchasing products from Custom Components Group, Inc. (CCG)?

A: Significant cost saving.

2. What are the major advantages of developing a new product through CCG?

A: Big savings in the prototype stage and substantial savings from consequent product purchase.

II.Quality Guarantee

3. Does Custom Components Group Inc. (CCG) provides a quality guarantee?

A: Yes. The quality of products from CCG is guaranteed. If the quality is not satisfactory, CCG will provide credit or replace components.

4. How does CCG ensure customer satisfaction in the quality of its products and services?

A: CCG examines quality requirements at the quotation stage. Once the project is started, the manufacturer will follow the quality agreements. Both the manufacturer and CCG quality control teams pay a high level of attention to the actual quality of our products.

5. What is the risk to the client if the quality of the prototype is not satisfactory?

a) For prototype development, the client is only responsible for 50% of the tooling cost up front and then pays the remaining 50% upon acceptance of the prototype.

b) We are very confident of our quality! For products that are being developed from a physical sample and/or drawing, and which have a clear description of quality requirements, the up front (50%) tooling cost will be refunded if the agreed upon quality is not met!


6. What is the lead-time for product delivery?

A: Delivery: 3-4 weeks via ocean, 1 week via air;
    Production: 1-5 weeks depending on the level of quantity and complexity of products.

7. What is the lead-time to make prototype samples?

A: 3-6 weeks for plastic components, 1-3 weeks for metal parts.


8. What is the standard method of payment?

A: For a new account in the USA, we ask for payment by Letter of Credit or COD. Terms are available once we have appropriate credit information and order amounts. For oversea accounts, we ask for prepayment or payment by Letter of Credit, and will offer either terms or discount after we have developed our business relationship.

9.What is the normal way to pay for prototypes?

A: Pay 50% of the tooling cost up front, and pay the balance after sample confirmation, or via COD when the sample is delivered.

905 145th Place N.E., Bellevue, WA 98007 U.S.A.

Phone: 425-378-3322Fax: 425-378-9449